Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Day 2; My Creek

My friend turned 4 today, which is a big deal seeing that they've waited 16 years for it.
courtesy of

This got me thinking about what I'd done when I was younger. In particular my creek.
There is a creek down the bottom of our house. I spent ages down there as a child and had some good memories with some friends.
Although it has almost dried up and completely flooded our bottom paddock, I do like it down there.
The back paddock
I used to go down every weekend with my friend and splash around. I rememeber one day when I wore my red docs down. When we got back up I took off my shoes and found that my feet had turned red from the dye in the shoes.
On my journey home today I decided to go home along the creek, but when I got down near it I couldn't find my way home. I feel sad that now I don't my way along. Someday I will get back into the habit of going down and exploring. Maybe with my friends...
They'll enjoy it...

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Day 1

Procrastinate - to defer action; be dilatory.
I had never hear of this word until I got to high school, and all of a sudden everyone was procrastinating. Does writing a blog as a challenge count as a form of procratinatination?

courtesy of
By the time it came to write this blog all the ideas I had on the way home were gone...
It got that bad that I googled 'good topics' just in the hope that something would pop up. Lets just say, I got some very "INTERESTING" topics.
I ended up on someone else's blog, which talked about choosing a good topic to write a blog on. Really I feel bad just because I ended up there.

My only problem that I know I will have besides the mentioned, is remembering to post at least a blog a day.

There is a certain blogger out there who I am related to, and he's good, really good. Part of me really feel that I need to reach the bar that he's set and set a higher one. (Although he doesn't know that I blog...)
Well, we'll see wont we...